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Want Larger Breasts? 3 Ways You Can Do This

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If you have small breasts and want them larger, there are different things you can try to do. Below are three of these things so you can decide what you would like best.

Breast Augmentation

The most common way to get larger breasts is to get a breast augmentation. This is also known as breast implants. There are different types you can choose from. 

Silicone Breast Implants: These implants are filled with a silicone gel. This feels very natural when touched. There are chances that the silicone gel will leak from the implants but the implant does not collapse if this happens. Because of this, your surgeon will likely want to see you yearly to make sure the implants are not leaking. The doctor will do this by giving you either an MRI or an ultrasound.

Gummy Bear: Another option is known as gummy bear implants. They are called this because even if the implant is broken it will still stay the same shape. Gummy bear implants feel much firmer than silicone gel implants because the gel used in these implants is thicker.

Your surgeon can go over other types of breast implants with you, as well as how the surgery will work.


If you do not want to increase your breast size from small to very large, exercise may work for you. You will notice a difference in size. There are no muscles in your breasts but there are muscles underneath and in-between your breasts. Working these muscles will lift your breasts making them appear larger. 

There are many types of exercises you can do but it is important that you continue to do them. If you do not, the muscles will break down and your breasts will no longer be lifted. Look online for exercises or talk with your doctor. 

 Vampire Breast Enhancement

There is a treatment known as vampire breast enhancement. This is a way to increase your breasts without having surgery. This is done in a doctor's office, however. 

During the procedure, your doctor extracts blood from a certain area of your body. Once the blood is removed it is placed in a device that spins the blood. Spinning will extract plasma out of your blood. Plasma works great as it is regenerative and will cause breast growth and will also lift your breasts. Plasma is also used to treat a variety of injuries.

To learn more about these and other cosmetic procedures, contact breast augmentation clinics. 
