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Three Lifestyle Changes To Adopt To Help Reduce Your Acne

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If you deal with acne, you're not alone -- as many as 50 millions Americans suffer from this skin condition each year. While acne often goes away on its own, you can take action by visiting a skin specialist to determine the best ways to regain your clear complexion. In the meantime, a variety of lifestyle changes can prove effective in your battle against acne. While improving your diet is a commonly known way to handle acne, there are lesser-known methods that can be highly effective. Here are three simple changes you can make to control your acne outbreaks.

Say "No" To Stress

If you find that your acne seems worse when you're stressed, this change isn't coincidental. Emotional stress can cause existing acne to flare up, according to WebMD. While several medical studies have noted the link between stress and acne, the exact cause of this connection remains unclear. However, seeking ways to limit your stress can be a beneficial tool to avoid this issue. Find one or more stress-reducing activities such as taking a yoga class, learning to meditate, making time for hobbies that you enjoy or scheduling enjoyable family activities. If you're stressed at work, speaking to a human resources rep can be beneficial.

Keep Hydrated

As many as three out of four Americans have chronic deydration. While dehydration is associated with a number of health issues, a dehydrated body is more likely to have acne because the dead skin cells on the surface of your body will clog your pores. Focus on drinking water consistently throughout the day to reduce your risk of dehydration-related acne complications. Although the exact amount of water that you should drink depends on factors such as your activity level and how heavily you sweat, the recommended daily intake of water is nine cups for women and 13 cups for men. Snacking on water-rich foods, such as melon, can also aid in hydration.

Get Enough Sleep

If you lead a busy lifestyle that's short on sleep, you might be worsening your acne outbreaks. When your body is overly tired, it produces more oil, which can lead to pores that become clogged and result in the emergence of acne. Adults should ideally aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. If you find it a challenge to get more sleep, think about what lifestyle changes you can make to ensure that you're in bed early enough each night. To find out more, contact a company like Appearance Dermatology.
