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Vaginal Rejuvenation Made Easy

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Throughout their lives, many women go through unique challenges. In addition to going through the whole process of pregnancy, they often have to deal with the repercussions that delivering a child has on their bodies. While these repercussions are different for everyone, many women experience drooping of the labia majora and minora, along with a general loosening of the vaginal wall, called vaginal laxity. The loosening of these structures can reduce sexual pleasure along with interfering with the normal functions of the body. Many women assume that this is the natural course of aging in their body, though this is not the case. There are many procedures that can greatly improve or completely fix these problems. There are surgical options that will help to retighten these areas, though surgery can be invasive and embarrassing. Fortunately, there are new procedures that are non-surgical, yet still solve the problem of vaginal stretching and loosening. 

If you are someone who desires a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment, you have a few options to consider. For example, let's examine the two most popular options: laser treatment and radiofrequency procedures.

Laser Treatment

Vaginal rejuvenation is possible after just one laser treatment, though three to four treatments are recommended. This is done by shining a laser superficially on problem areas, which causes these areas to be heated (not to an uncomfortable level). The heat of the laser stimulates collagen production, which can then tighten the labia and vagina. This procedure can be done within an hour from start to finish, and many patients have seen results after their initial visit. 


When compared with laser treatments, radiofrequency treatments can reach deeper surfaces. Instead of using light or heat on superficial tissues, radiofrequency uses sound waves to penetrate deep tissues and induce collagen production. Like laser treatments, radiofrequency has been shown to have very few side effects, while still inducing great results. 

Both of these treatment options have been found superior to plastic surgery of the vulva, which can take weeks to heal from. The popularity of these treatments has continued to rise each year, due to their ease and convenience. If you can get the results you want without having to get surgery, why wouldn't you?

In conclusion, if you are someone who suffers from vaginal laxity or labial drooping, talk to your doctor about non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation. With so many options available for treatment, why choose to go untreated? Schedule a consultation today.
